Saturday, April 12, 2008


The nice thing about working from home and not being swamped by orders for the same thing is that I get to play. I have an awesome woodcutter who made these birdhouses for me and I really had fun painting them. I'm getting ready to take them to a store here in town for consignment. Kinks, Quirks, and Caffeine has generously let me put just about anything I paint in their very fun store. If you ever get to Williamsburg, it is definitely the place to shop!

I'm really struggling with taking pictures of my pieces for the blog. I have no idea what I'm doing. Normally I have a professional photographer, Taylor Dabney, take my shots, but for the blog I can't really afford to do that. Any tips? Everyone else's seem so good.

Molly's play opens this week!! So I will be busy stressing for her. She, of course, is quite calm. Katie


Kate Korroch said...

i love this, momma. it so alice in wonderland.

did you get the feedblitz to work? i can help you with it tomorrow.

love you

Elizabeth said...

mrs. korroch!


it's liz ferguson (aka, i guess i'm still spud). great blog, it's really excellent - because your work is beautiful!

it's great to be able to see all of this online.

hope all is well!
