Monday, May 5, 2008

Garden sculpture!

We have had fabulous weather lately and Bob and I have been spending time working in the yard. I am inspired by thinking about having a graduation party next spring for Molly. Otherwise, I'm not much into yard work. We had fun on Saturday making plans for what we wanted to do with the yard. We're making new beds, moving plants, planting new perrenials, etc. One thing that I am particularly inspired by is the leftover tower from our kids playset. It is way too big to move and all the screws and bolts are rusted into place. So I've decided to use it as a huge garden sculpture. But of course, I'm having a little getting started. Should I paint the whole thing or leave it natural? I think I'm going to plant some vines to go up the ladders--virginia creeper, morning glories? And then I think I might add some of my tiles and other wood "accoutrement." I'm also thinking of planting a little garden in the bottom part. Any ideas? I wonder what the homeowners association will say? This will be fun!